Tuesday 7 May 2013

Antibiotics > bacteria

“I'm so fat”
“I'm so dumb”
“I'm so sick of this world”
“I don't know what to do with my life anymore”
“Everything sucks”
“That just dropped my self-esteem”

Admit it, at some stage in your life, you've used one or more of these sentences. But the real question is, how do we prevent ourselves from saying them again?

Negativity is contagious. But you must be that 'antibiotic' that works hard to stop the 'bacteria' from spreading around your body and causing harmful damage to it.

Being strong, being positive and optimistic is not hard and it's not easy as well. However, you may or may have not noticed, but the amount of energy negativeness takes away from you is much much more than actually putting the effort to be happy, strong and positive.
Now, once your content with your life, another will look at you and will be inspired and also motivated to accept themselves and also be happy. It's a domino effect. It's contagious.

When your ill, people want to stay away from you... or in some circumstances you want them to stay away. But when your healthy, people tend to surround themselves around you. Same goes when your positive.

Have a good day homies,


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