Wednesday 1 May 2013

Chocolate has power over us!

Ever thought why you have an uncontrollable craving for chocolate?
Or why it leaves you with an underwhelming satisfaction?
Well look no further, here you would know! 

Chocolate leaves us with a feeling of extreme happiness, making the brain have feelings of bliss and giddiness. It increases our levels of serotonin, which in return gives us strong feelings of well-being and happiness.
The cravings may be linked to low blood sugar, stress or changing hormone levels prior to a female’s menstrual cycle. High stress levels can make you crave chocolate, because increased serotonin levels leads to decreased levels of anxiety.
Chocolate also contains trace minerals such as magnesium, to which women may be deficient with prior to their periods. Some women may use this excuse to eat chocolate, being more socially accepted to indulge during this time. Although, it may be just too delicious to turn down any reason to eat it!  

did you know?

chocolate comes from a fruit tree, it's made from a seed

did you know?

there is approximately 1.5 million cocoa farms in West Africa

did you know?

Casanova used to eat chocolate to heat things up in the bedroom!

did you know? 

Benjamin Franklin sold chocolate in his printshop in Philadelphia

And there's a little bit of Switzerland in all of us..

So buy bon bons, truffles and candy hearts- all you need to brighten your own or someones day! 


1 comment:

  1. ohmygod i love this so much
    this is what girlsisys100 is all about
    preach it, qurlfraand!

